Monday, June 1, 2009

School's Out For The Summer

I am reminded of that old song today, "School's out for the summer!!" Today was the last day of school for my three boys. They are excited that school is out, and so am I. It just seems that we have more time to spend with each other in the summer. We don't have to worry so much about being in bed at a set time and we have a little more freedom to do things during the day. My greatest concern is to not let this time get past me. You know what I mean, we think we have so much time so we put off doing things and spending time with our children, and then before you know it, your busy shopping for school supplies. I don't want that to happen this year. I want to spend time with them, I want to be a great Dad. My Dad is in heaven now, he was not a Christian for most of his life, but near the end of his life he accepted Christ. He was not a bad Father, he provided for his family and he taught us right from wrong. But, he was not a very hands on kind of guy. He did not spend time with us and he did not show affection. I regret that aspect of our relationship. I wish that we would have had a better relationship as we grew up, but we did have a good relationship when he passed away. All that said, I don't want to be like my father though. I want to spend time with my boys, I want them to know that I am there for them, I want to show them that I love them. I want to help them develop into godly men who follow the Lord with a passion, who want to see people come to know Christ. That is the kind of legacy that I hope to leave when I leave this world.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Palm Sunday

This past weekend we held our Easter Egg Hunt at the church. It was a lot of fun. We had approx. 80 people here. A lot of parents with their kids and most of them were new people that the church had not had contact with before. Everyone had a great time, and Donna and I were exhausted after it was all over.

This past Sunday was of course Palm Sunday. The kids did a march around the sanctuary waving palm branches, while the congregation sang "Hosanna." It was a very good service and everyone really enjoyed seeing the kids be a part of the service. It was also a very exciting day because we had 7 visitors. We have been praying for several of them for a while and it was thrilling to see them in the service.

We have been really pushing Easter Sunday and asking everyone to invite their FRAN's -Friends, Relatives, Associates, and Neighbors. I think that everyone is excited about it, and I have had many reports of people inviting others to attend. We are expecting a great day, and we are praying for the Holy Spirit to do a great work among us this coming week. I am excited by the excitement of the people in the church. They are getting excited to see people coming to our church and hopefully that excitement will just build and not diminish. God has great things in store for us, all we have to do is trust Him, pray and follow His direction.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Where does the time go? How many times a day do I ask myself this question? It seems like just yesterday when I last posted, but really it has been over a month ago! Where does the time go. Just last night I was talking with my wife about this subject and I just started singing that song - "Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future
Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future."
I told her that I remember as a small child how slowly, so very slowly time seemed to move. I remember my grandmother and my parents telling me how quickly time seemed to fly as they had gotten older. As a small child, I could not even begin to conceive of time moving quickly. Twenty minutes seemed like an eternity to me. Now twenty minutes is just a flash of light that zooms quickly past my eyes. Where does the time go? I continue to ask myself that question. As I have gotten older though, I have added another question to that one. What I have done with my time. It seems that time is moving ever faster into the future for me, and I don't see any signs of it slowing its pace to the ultimate end, death. So my question is this - "What have I done with my time?" Have I used it to be a good father, husband, pastor, servant, man? Or have I wasted it with fun and games and idle thoughts and chat. Not that fun and games are all bad, but the point is, have I done enough for the Kingdom of God, or have I been wasteful with the time he has given me. No answers, just some thoughts to ponder.