Monday, October 20, 2008

Election 2008

It's hard to believe that in is just a little more than two weeks
we will be electing the next President of the United States. Not only that but if I remember correctly the entire Congress, that's House and Senate, are up for election this year. Needless to say this is an important election. I like you am concerned over the economy, my parents lived through the Great Depression, and I don't want to go there. I am concerned about our troops and our national security. Like you, I am also concerned about the environment, and how we have failed to really be good stewards of what God has blessed us with. But who do you vote for? That is the question! To be perfectly honest there are things about each candidate that I like. But then there are also things about each candidate that I don't like. So again I ask, "Who do you vote for?"

Well this is not an endorsement for either side. It is a plea for each of us to take time to really pray and seek God in this situation. Ask him who it is that we should put into office. I don't mean a sentence here or there in a prayer, but intense, heartfelt seeking after the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the voting booth. This is an important election, I know you hear it each election year, but I do believe that this election will shape our country for years, if not decades into the future. So I ask you to pray and not to vote because you have always voted for one party or the other. Don't vote for the best speaker, or the war hero, or the tax break guy, or the taxer, vote for the person that God leads you to vote for. That is all I ask, and I think that is what God is asking of us as well.

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