Monday, September 29, 2008

Family Time

We have always had dinner together as a family, except on rare occasions. Since I have had to take a job working in the evenings, we only get to have dinner together 2 or 3 times a week. It has been very strange for all of us, but it has made us appreciate the time we do have together. In a funny way it makes me wonder if God is trying to teach us to appreciate each other more. Yesterday I was thinking about how sometimes in the past I have taken my time together with my family for granted. Maybe in a strange sort of way I am learning to appreciate the limited amount of time I have with my family.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Secular -vs- Sacred

As a Christian I have compartmentalized my life sometimes into two different parts. The sacred and the secular. But is that really what life is supposed to be. Isn't our whole life supposed to be sacred. Or dedicated to the sacred. Well as some of you know I recently began working at a national pharmacy chain since losing my ministry position. Some of the things we sell I don't use and I am concerned about those who do. We sell cigarettes, beer, wine and liquor. Some of the people show the signs of abuse and you wonder what are the needing in their lives? Well, I am not able to witness to them, but I do pray for them. I learned the practice of breath prayers during my studies and I practice that each time I sell some of these things. A breath prayer is a brief prayer that can be said basically in the time it takes to take a breath. I simple pray that God will show his love to this person and help them with whatever is affecting them in life. At times I even continue to pray after they leave, because I sensed a deep need in their life. No, I am not some super spiritual guy, but I have discovered a way to minister in my current situation. I do pray that God will show his grace to those who are suffering from some pain or hurt. Those who live without the hope of Christ. I hope that this experience is teaching me that my whole life is sacred and I need to know that my whole life should be one of ministry.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

This is one of those days that seems to be frozen in time. Everyone that I know can tell you where they were and what they were doing. I remember exactly where I was and who was there with me. It was a horrible day, but as we remember the day, lets not forget those who still suffer. Today I would like to encourage everyone to pray for those who are still suffering. We should pray for those who lost family and friends and those who have suffered physical and psychological trauma. Today should be a day of prayer.

Friday, September 5, 2008

It Drives Me Crazy!!

Do you have something that drives your crazy? I mean something that really makes you nuts!! Well this is one, only one, of many that make me totally crazy. I am in bed or reading or anywhere and I have this most fabulous thought about something very insightful to write for my blog. But then when I sit down later to write it, I have totally forgotten what it was that had occurred to me. I mean it is like a total blank sheet of paper in my mind. I know there was something that I had thought of and I even remember thinking that it would be something great to share on my blog. And now it is totally gone!! ARGH

So anyway, I think the best thing I can do at this point is to keep some paper with me so that I can write these things down. Otherwise, I might end up in an institution. (Some would say I should be there anyway.)